Rhonda Rehman
GM, Member Services
Chartered Accountants Australia & New ZealandĀ
Rhonda has worked in and around contact centres for most of her career. Her role is General Manager Member Services for Chartered Accountants ANZ. Her current challenge is delivering, implementing, and operationalizing a World Class Member Experience strategy into her Trans-Tasman organization.
She has led small and large teams in several roles and in a variety of industries, including banking, insurance, Telcos, Not for Profit, and Government. She was privileged in 2016 to win the CCINZ Team Leader of the Year award.
What she loves about this industry is its constant evolution. Whether it's technology, management theories and styles, or innovation, these have improved how contact centres operate to deliver exceptional service to customers every single day.
Day 2
Panel: Cultivating Customer-Centric Excellence: Overcoming Challenges, Aligning Strategies, and Leadership Impact
Instilling challenges and best practices to foster a culture centred around exceeding customer expectations
Aligning strategies for internal workflows and structures to prioritise customer needs and deliver exceptional experiences
How leadership roles can drive cultural transformation towards more customer-centric culture and continuous improvements
Moderator: Jin Wan, Client Experience Manager, Fisher Funds
Prashant Bakshi, Chief Customer Officer, New Zealand Qualifications Authority
Moa Haar-Simmonds, GM - Service Operations, Mercury NZ
Rhonda Rehman, GM, Member Services, Chartered Accountants Australia & New Zealand