Anna Livesy
Head of Customer Experience
Anna Livesey is Head of Customer Experience and Design at ANZ New Zealand. She has previously held Head of Product roles in KiwiSaver and Investments at Westpac and AMP.
In a previous life Anna worked in corporate strategy, technology policy and as a consultant. Born and bred in Wellington, she has also lived in Beijing, New York, Iowa and Dunedin, and currently lives in Tamaki Makaurau.
Her current mission is using insight and design to support customers to make the best financial choices they can.
Day 1
Opening Keynote: Key Elements for a CX Strategy that Delivers on Both Customer Needs and Business Goals
Shaping customer experiences – what are the key tools and how are they deployed?
Why bringing CX into the decision-making flow is critical to delivery.
The role of behavioural science, customer testing and taking a digital 1st approach to understand customer needs & behaviours.
Anna Livesey, Head of Customer Experience, ANZ